EGU General Assembly 2023
The annual EGU General Assembly is the largest geosciences event in Europe, attracting over 16,000 scientists from around the world, with more than half being early career. The meeting covers all Earth, planetary, and space sciences, with over 16,000 oral, poster, and interactive presentations, and features sessions selected by each scientific division, as well as Union-wide sessions such as Great Debates, inter- and transdisciplinary sessions, and short courses. The meeting also includes a job center, artists-in-residence, and a newsletter, and abstracts and materials from all previous General Assemblies are available on EGUsphere, the Union’s central repository for open-access scientific materials.
In addition to the scientific sessions, the meeting offers other activities such as Education and Outreach Sessions and press conferences, and these events are often highlighted on EGU's social media channels and the EGU blog, GeoLog. The meeting's daily newsletter, EGU Today, provides updates on sessions and events, and there is a dedicated Press Centre for journalists.
FAIR-EASE will be presented as part of ESSI2.8, HPC and cloud infrastructures in support of Earth Observation, Earth Modeling and community-driven Geoscience approach PANGEO, on April 24 at 10:50 with the presentation entitled "PANGEO multidisciplinary test case for Earth and Environment Big data analysis in FAIR-EASE Infra-EOSC project."
Moreover, team members of FAIR-EASE will also intervene in collaboration with the FAIR-IMPACT project on "Implementing FAIR metrics and assessments for the Earth and Environmental Sciences", introducing new approaches being developed in FAIR-IMPACT and based on domain specific use case partners and their communities, including FAIR-EASE and other communities from the earth and environmental sciences.