European Galaxy Days (EGD)
It's time again to gather together, discuss recent and future Galaxy developments in Freiburg at the European Galaxy Days 2023!
To minimize travelling (and yes, we recommend taking a train :-) ), we are co-locating 3 events on the same week, bringing together major party of the European Galaxy community:
- The ELIXIR Galaxy Community Face-to-face (F2F) meeting,
- The EuroScienceGateway General Assembly (ESG GA),
- The European Galaxy Days (EGD) themselves.
No matter of which particular community, Galaxy is driven by the people who use, develop and administrate it. Accordingly, we are looking forward to a motley gathering and your contributions, say: talks, demos, posters and Birds-of-a-feather meetings (BoFs). You have done something you want to present or discuss, we provide the stage.
Our detailed planning depends to a certain extent on the content you want to share, so please consider registering at the last minute.
The FAIR-EASE Coastal Water Dynamics pilot will be presented at the event by Marie Josse (Ifremer & FAIR-EASE).
Registration is free, but the space is limited, so we recommend to you register soon to secure your spot for the different events. The traveling, accommodation and subsistence expenses will be partially covered by the organizers for a limited number of ELIXIR participants. The organizers will contact you for further clarification.
For more information including schedule and how to register, visit the event website.