FAIR-EASE Open Day on Open Science for Earth Systems


Earth system domains are interconnected, but the present digital architecture is based essentially on distributed and domain-dependent data repositories inducing real difficulties for integrated uses of all the environmental data. This creates barriers for several studies with large societal impacts, such as climate change, agriculture and food, human safety and health. 

To go beyond this state-of-the-art, the overall objective of FAIR-EASE is to customize and operate distributed and integrated services for observation and modelling of the Earth system, environment and biodiversity by improving their different components implemented in close cooperation with user-communities, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and research infrastructures.

Logistics and registration info

About the event

To mark the third annual meeting of the European INFRAEOSC FAIR-EASE project, the coordinating committee will be organising an OPEN DAY dedicated to Open Science for Earth Systems (Volcanoes, Soil, Water and Biodiversity).

This event is dedicated to policy makers, institutional authorities, external scientists and stakeholders, and will be held in Naples on 10 October 2024, co-organised by the University of Naples Federico II and hosted by the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, both contributing to FAIR-EASE.

Register here 

The day will begin with a roundtable on "Open Science Challenges for the Earth System and the Environment," where participants will discuss policy-oriented issues and strategies for advancing open science in Earth system research.

The event will continue in the afternoon with a session entitled "EOSC in Practice: FAIR-EASE Services for the Earth Science System" with the aim at showcasing the practical application of FAIR-EASE services, emphasising their integration and utility within the Earth Science community. The highlight will be on how these services can enhance data interoperability, accessibility, and sustainability, aligning with the broader goals of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative.

Overall, the final day's activities will underscore the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling open science challenges and demonstrate the practical benefits of FAIR-EASE services for the Earth Science System.

Preliminary Agenda

Thursday, 10 October 2024
Introductory session on Open Science

Welcome and introduction, Project leaders and Institutional leaders

Introduction on Open Science 

EOSC: Actions in Europe 

EOSC: Actions in Italy  


13:00-14:00 Lunch break
Afternoon session

EOSC in Practice - FAIR-EASE services for the Earth Science System

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

EOSC in Practice - FAIR-EASE services for the Earth Science System

Roundtable and Questions

Register here 

Organised by FAIR-EASE logo

Co-hosted by Logo Università Federico IIstazione zoologica anton dohrn logo


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Organised by FAIR-EASE
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, located at V. V. Francesco Caracciolo, 80122 Napoli, Italy