GEO BON Global Conference: Monitoring Biodiversity for Action
The Global Conference on Biodiversity and Monitoring is organized by GEO BON and its partners between 10-13 October 2023 in Montreal, Canada.
One year after COP15 of the UN CBD and the landmark agreement of a Global Biodiversity Framework, the GEO BON global conference will focus on the grand challenge of ‘Monitoring Biodiversity for Action’. A central theme will be the development of best practices and new technologies for biodiversity observations and monitoring to support transformative policy and conservation action.
The conference will offer a venue for sharing and exchanging scientific and traditional knowledge related to biodiversity change, from genes to ecosystems; the associated contributions to people, across all sectors of society; and its conservation, sustainable use and shared benefits.
Yvan Le Bras from the PNDB will present "Enhancing Collaboration and Data Accessibility in Earth and Environmental Sciences: A Gateway Approach of the FAIR-EASE project" in the following session:
Ten Years of Essential Biodiversity Variables: How Are We Calculating Them?
October 13th, 2023, 11:30 - 13:00 EDT
The concept of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) was first published about 10 years ago. Since then, several projects, initiatives and methodologies have been developed to measure and monitor EBV at different scales. This session will present and initiate a discussion on protocols and standards to work on them collaboratively, and identify elements that are needed to make them accessible for the global community interested in biodiversity monitoring.