FAIR-EASE at the coordination meeting for EOSC-related Horizon Europe projects

Last September we were happy to take part in the “Horizon Europe projects coordination meeting in the context of the EOSC European Partnership” in Brussels, hosted by European Commission’s DG RTD.

It was a great opportunity to join representatives from our peer projects in the EOSC family and to meet for productive discussions with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD), and the Commission’s European Research Executive Agency (REA), as well as the EOSC Association, on how to cooperate together in support of the EOSC Partnership.

The day-long meeting was opened by Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit for Open Science at DG RTD, Sari Vartiainen-Mathieu, REA’s Head of Unit for Reforming European R&I and Research Infrastructures, and President of the EOSC Association Karel Luyben.

EOSC coordination meeting september